Thursday, 20 May 2010


As you may have noticed, my blogging buzz has come back. It seems to be in sync with my submission. When i wasn't feeling particularly submissive and O/our relationship was in a natural lull, my blogging seemed to follow suit.

Andn ow things are picking up again. W/we are both reaching the end of the uni year meaning W/we are anticipating lots of time when W/we can focus on U/us and give plenty of thought to O/our D/s lifestyle. With that comes a sudden influx of thoughts and ideas i want to share with you. i am hoping my M.E. won't bring me down again and prevent me from being as motivated and rejuvinated as i feel.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back!

    i don't think i've commented you before, so it's nice to meet you. i'm rose. =]

    uni takes up a lot of my Master time, too. i can't wait until the end of the year!

